The sixth season of 30 Rock, an American television comedy series on the NBC network in the United States, began airing on January 12, 2012. This season was initially expected to be Alec Baldwin's last, as he had announced he would be looking to expand into other forms of media. However, in January 2012, Baldwin confirmed that he would remain for a seventh season of 30 Rock if it is renewed.
Season 6
30 Rock S06E01.mkv
30 Rock S06E02.mkv
30 Rock S06E03.mkv
30 Rock S06E04.mkv
30 Rock S06E05.mkv
30 Rock S06E06-E07.mkv
30 Rock S06E08.mkv
30 Rock S06E09.mkv
30 Rock S06E10.mkv
30 Rock S06E11.mkv
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